You can set up a temporary Honeycomb token by using the [/api/v1/user/authenticate](<>) API endpoint. The endpoint must receive a POST request with the Honeycomb username and password. When authentication is successful, it will return the token in a JSON response. If unsuccessful, it will show a describing error message in a JSON response. You can find detailed documentation about the format of the request in our API docs here:
Copy and save the token; it will only show up once. It will remain active for 14 days, so if you want to use the same token for a longer time, you need to use it at least once within this period. It will remain active for 14 days, so if you want to use the same token for a longer time, you need to use it at least once within this period. If not activated for 14 days, the token will expire, and you will need to create a new one using the same method. If you forget the token, you can re-request it by repeating the same steps to set up a temporary token. If the token has been used within the past 14 days, you will then see the same token as before.